Saturday 13 July 2013

Curry in the park. Obviously.

The weather has been so beautiful recently. This isn't normal for England. It's rare and it's so wonderful. It makes everyday feel like an opportunity, which is something that passes me by when it rains. I want to wake up in the morning, I love not drawing my blinds because the sun bursts in everyday and I'm so glad for it.

Last Sunday I finished work at 7pm. I don't usually work a Sunday, I'm usually cooking or reading or napping. I cycled home and Oliver and I spent a little on a curry and took it to the park. We ate a tasty lamb karahi, saag paneer (spinach and cheese) and rice and naans and poppadoms. My favourite place in Chorlton is Asian Fusion. Their interior is a little old school so we decided Chorlton Park was a better setting. It was a peaceful evening, aside from the gangs of kids lining Barlow Moor Road, but we left that behind.


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