Monday 8 July 2013

Camille came to stay, Part 1

Camille came to stay this weekend. We've known each other since school and I usually see her for 2 hours at a time when I come home to Corby, or for the odd hen party (which seem more commonplace these days, is that just me?). It was such a treat to see her for a whole weekend, have time off work and not just catch up, but do things we'll remember next time we meet. (Camille is not fond of having her picture taken, as you will see.)

It's also the start of the British summer. It should have started a while back but June was wind and rain. It's hot outside! The sun is out and I have to wear factor 50 everyday! I'm pale and ginger, so you wouldn't naturally associate my kind to this weather but it won't keep me inside. It feels so good to be in the sun for a whole week. It certainly feels like a holiday. I can wear shorts and tshirt cycling to work each day, that's a treat. 

We spent Friday evening at a pub in Withington, then making mojitos in Chorlton park. It was on the cheap... mint from my garden, the cheapest white rum going, 23p bags of tortillas... you know the kind.

The mojito recipe we used is here, and we were inventive with our tools whilst making them in the park!


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