Wednesday 29 May 2013

Too Many Cookbooks.

We’re a cookbook household. We’ve got stacks of them! Anything with beautiful pictures or a familiar face or a tasty TV show accompaniment and we’re there. Valentine Warner is a particular favourite of Oliver and I, Jamie Oliver is a mainstay for the 4 of us, Gwyneth Paltrow is a celeb indulgence Katie and I can’t resist and we’re all in for anything Bake-Off related.

I cook from them quite often, but decided to keep track of what I’d been cooking and from which book. I’m sure I’ve cooked about half of the Hugh Fearnley-Wittingstall Veg Everyday book, but nothing from my Wagamama’s bible, a gift from my Mum.

Here's a cookbook vs real thing comparison. This week I’ve tried Hugh’s Tomato, Thyme and Goat’s Cheese Tart...

I scrimped on this dinner, used 2 tomatoes, so next time I’d use 3, so the pastry is totally covered. The goat’s cheese and garlic and thyme were so good together, and I squeezed a huge blob of balsamic glaze on my plate to dip the crispy pastry edges. We have thyme in the garden, so I never have to pay for it. It doesn’t crop up too often in recipes, so if it’s called for, I tend to pounce and go a bit heavy handed. It’s this kind of scenario that made me fall for rosemary, because Oliver had a huge rosemary bush in the garden of his old house and we’d chuck it on everything. Including baked camembert, mmmmm.

Gwyneth’s Coconut Milk and Berries Sugar Free Ice Lollies...

Hugh’s Puy Lentils with Beetroot and Goats Cheese...

Any recommendations?


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