Monday 20 May 2013

Still poor.

Come November, Oliver and I will be embarking on a journey for two, to South America for who knows how long, that is sure to outshine any solitary day in the city. That's almost the purpose of this blog, to have somewhere to share this trip with my family and friends.

I experience excitement, terror, fear, panic and daydreams at a impossible rate recently. I've been dreaming of a big trip like this for so long that it has to be a good idea. It has to be. But recently I was wide awake at 4am thinking "this is the stupidest idea anyone has ever had". Money is my biggest worry, as with most things in life. The fear is forcing me to make sensible decisions about money at every turn. So sensible that I talked Oliver out of a 30p bulb of garlic in Morrisons. I immediately felt terrible about this.

I'm living in some strange paradox. I have a savings account with a steadily rising balance, an unused credit card in a drawer, and a diet consisting of porridge and yoghurt.

Yesterday, we truly splashed out on about £3 worth of chorizo and made a casserole with some cheapo butter beans. It was a good weekend event. There isn't much else you can do on £3 but make dinner.

Payday is on Friday. The anticipation and excitement I feel on this last week of each month is better than a child feels in December. And it's all for the satisfaction and safety of putting near half my wage into my savings account. Pay my bills, pay my rent, set aside enough for birthdays and plans already made. At that point, I'm stoic, looking at my remaining £68. Thereabouts.

This is mostly exaggerated. Poverty is nothing new after prior employment by Odeon. Come November, I'll be living like a queen in Brazil. For about two weeks, then I'll remind myself to be sensible.

Here is our casserole prep...


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